Friday, September 28, 2012

thoughts-full thursday

had an impromptu dinner to celebrate a good friend's birthday party late this evening at her house. i met some new friends and we started sharing our stories. the more common topic being the difficulties we have in life these days which varied from problems at work, at home or with our relationships and maybe even all of the above.
a friend said that maybe shitty things happen because we attract them, maybe because as drama as they seem, we are "comfortable" with it, and maybe even some are attached to that drama (that even if you know you have to do something about it NOW, you can't...and you make excuses why you just can't fix the problem). or maybe because we can't let go for a certain reason. so the shitty things become a cycle, happening again and again and again and we complain, we feel bad. but maybe, these things happen again because we still haven't learned our lesson - or refuse to learn our lesson from it. true, God won't give us anything we can't bear but he also gave us freewill, and that freewill should help us in moving forward, in choosing to do something. in learning our lesson and saying enough coz once we've decided to act now and move forward, greater things will come our way. the best will come our way.

those things got me thinking again......

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