Saturday, November 24, 2012


saw an old close friend today.
i called his name and said hi, gave him my biggest smile - my hey-it's-been-two-years-since-that-day-we-got-screwed-by-her-and-i-wanna-be-friends-with-you-again smile (with matching wave pa).

he just nodded.
wow. that hurt.

i should have known better than to expect a "hey, wanna have coffee and catch up with each other?/"wanna hang out?". i should have just pretended i didn't see my friend. but then again, i always thought that true friendships can overcome hurts, especially those not caused by either one of the parties.

people can really be hurtful.and no matter how hard i try to not get affected, i can't. i feel the pain. (and those that hurt most are from that person you give your whole heart to)
and sometimes, i wonder if i will stop hurting. if i will get what i want. if things will really really be okay.

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