Sunday, July 20, 2014

my mid year report

Yesterday, while driving to a friend's house, i suddenly realized "OMG! It's July!". i know, silly me. But it did seemed as if time just flew by!

While driving home, i thought about what happened in the past months and decided on writing something about it. Hence, my midyear report:

January had my friends go back to their homes abroad. It was quite busy at work.

February was a busy month. It was a month of celebrations. We celebrated our secretary's 30th year in service and we also had the first birthday celebration of my godson, raz.

The student publication of our College also won as best publication in the University for the second year. It is indeed another celebration of blessings in the form of my students.

The highlight of my February, though, is another celebration: Valentines day. I watched Wicked for the first time! It was absolutely amazing! And to watch it with someone you love, even more  wonderful!

March had me so busy in school, actually forgot what happened. Lol.

April had me celebrating birthdays and milestones.

However, with all the partying, i also got myself hurt. So I had to stay put during the holy week. 

After which i went to attend our national convention in Davao. Not my first time there, but it was my first time to experience durian shake/ice cream, eden park and some more.

May had me back in school to prepare for the opening of the new academic year. We however were able to get some time to visit and organize a medical outreach in one of the typhoon stricken areas in our region.

June was a month of firsts for me. It was the first month of school. It was the first time i really really reeeeeeaaaaally got pissed at some people. It was the first time I felt so much hurt and pain for having been betrayed.

It was the first time I won't be having two of my friends with me at work. Our gang just got "minus-ed" and honestly, saying goodbye is something I am not good at.

However, I see the world in the bright side...hence, i will focus more on the happier first I experienced: my first mass independence day yoga. at a mall. (thank you sir R for the pics from your friend)


I had fun. I learned. I learned mostly about myself. And I am grateful.

Indeed, I am grateful for the past six months. I cried, I got pissed, I got my heart broken. But I am still here. Fighting. Learning. 

Here's to our half-year, friends! May we all have happier Junes - Decembers!

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