Monday, November 7, 2011

ok, let's do this.

i am not really into astrology but some of my friends are and one of them sent me this list of characteristics a Virgo possesses.

let's see which are true

Virgo = organized chaos.
There are two types of Virgos: the quiet shy bookworm and the outgoing loud party animal.
Virgos fear falling in love because to do so forces them to give control of their life to someone else.
Virgo pays close attention to detail.
A Virgo touches her/his hair a lot. They are very concerned about appearance, always checking to see if they look "perfect" enough.
A Virgo only gets in relationships with people they can see themselves with for a long time
It's all about schedule for Virgo. If they get used to having you around, it's hard for them to let you go.
If you tell a Virgo that you like them, they will ask themselves .."why"?
Do not deceive a Virgo. Virgos can be great detectives with their investigative skills.
In a relationship, a Virgo woman is loyal and devoted. if she finds that the relationship is not working, she confines herself to solitude. When she decides enough is enough, it'll be hard to get her back.
The Virgo woman is realistic, charming, honest, witty, organized, helpful, dedicated and a perfectionist.
Virgo men are intellectual, has sharp memory, reliable, imaginative, creative good mediator, loving, and has a practical outlook on life
Virgos like to cuddle.
When a Virgo is over it, they're over it.
Virgos are picky about their partners and they won't sleep with just anybody.
A Virgo will either be your number one fan or your number one critic; your best friend or your worst enemy.
Virgo can be very kinky, naughty and experimental when it comes to sex....but they'd rather make love, and they love making love!
Virgos are very determined and hardworking individuals. It is those traits that make them outstanding and very admirable to other people.
You'll probably find a Virgo to be very interesting and be able to discuss almost anything with them.
A Virgo will need a spontaneous partner as they tend to plan everything out!
If you have a Virgo boss, be kind to him. He's probably secretly troubled and unhappy. Virgos are not born to be high-powered executives
Every... single... day... Virgo wakes up with a list of worries; things that never end up happening anyway.
Virgos often put the happiness of others before themselves.
You never forget your Virgo lovers. They have a way of making the heart remember.
You'll probably find a Virgo to be very interesting and be able to discuss almost anything with them.
Virgo innately knows how to stretch a dollar and will make it go as far as possible,whether they have a little bit of money or a load of money.
Virgos can suddenly become cranky, irritable, scold­ing and nervous for no reason at all.
When you first meet a Virgo, they will look you up and down..judging you in their head.
Virgos tend to be suited to careers involving medicine, personal care or self help/teacher/life coach.
Virgo is much more critical on themselves than they are on others.
Virgo treats everyone like family, even friends. Virgos are very warm.
Virgos play hard to get. Not because they are into games but because they want you to be sure you understand what you are getting into.
Virgos does not form a lot of serious relationships throughout their lifetime but the relationships they do form are long-lasting.
Usually Virgos are considered "old souls". Most of them act mature for their age & are pointed out because of it. i guess i really am a Virgo! hahaha ;-)

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