Saturday, May 16, 2020

Pretty vs Beautiful

The quarantine enabled me to have some time to watch (and rewatch) series.

One of those i watched was Glee and in this particular episode Coach Beiste was asked out by Cougar, the football agent. She thought it was a joke and she roared with anger as she replied:

“But I’m not a pretty girl. I don’t have the kind of face that a pretty girl has.”

to which Cougar replied:
“Well, that’s good because I don’t date girls. I date women. Beautiful women, like you.”

This got me thinking.

Ever since I was a little girl, I really haven't felt pretty enough. I've always felt unnoticed. I've always felt that I do not have my friends' "effortless good looks".I've always felt that I was not deserving of that word. 

And then I realized I don't want to be pretty anymore. I want to be beautiful. I want to possess something that lasts, even if all the pretty is beaten out of me. Beautiful has sturdy roots that run deep into the earth, building the tallest, strongest trees. I want people to smile when they look at me, with or without my lipstick on, because they associate me with something more than can be seen. I want to be beautiful and I think that I could be. I think – somewhere deep down – that I am.

I'm back (sort of)

someone asked me if i would like to delete past memories...

And have them repeat again in some form or other? No, thanks. I’d rather keep both eyes, ears open. Whole heart and spirit vulnerable and sensitive, able to look back at what was, celebrate what was wonderful, learn from the terrible and hopefully become wiser for tomorrow and present for today. I don’t want to pretend none of it happened. The battle scars can’t be denied after all. But no one has the right to make me suffer for them.

No one, not even myself.

I have a project planned, as requested by some people. Oh, i don't know if I can do this. But let's see. WIsh me luck, friends!