Monday, November 22, 2010

Sucking the marrow out of life doesn't mean choking on the bone.

I got a surprise! A good friend gave me this, one of my all time favorite movies.

so I watched again (and what a coincidence, the movie's on tv earlier tonight too). i can go on and on about my favorite line but this time, as i watched, this particular conversation hit me:

How can you stand it?

Stand what?

You can go anywhere. You can do
anything. How can you stand being here?

'Cause I love teaching. I don't wanna be
anywhere else.

well said, Mr. Keating. that's exactly how i feel.


red said...

nami gd man kung si robin williams ah. \m/

princess kumod said...

yes yes. and do you know his wife's a kababayan? lain man gd ta ya magpalangga. hahaha XD

red said...

2od ma'am? never knew that. hehe. huo, lain gd ya Pinoy ah.