Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Were not going back, we are moving forward..."

Dear Mama Mary,

When i saw the pic at a friends facebook page, I was reminded of something.
A few years back, i remember this date. It was during lunchtime mass. I was there way early and I was praying, asking you to give me back what I lost.

During the sermon, said those words in the picture and in the title. And so I prayed. I asked you to bring back the loss or else to help me let go.  I asked you to take away the pain that that loss has been giving me. I asked you to give me a reason to finally let go because I want to be ready for something better.

It took a few months until I got the answer I was looking for. And what was special about it was that it was during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Dec 8. I met an aunt, who during our conversation, gave me the reason I have been praying for. It was liberating. I then knew I really had to let go of what happened so I could get myself ready for something better.

And ready i did get.

It has been years since that happened and now, once again, on your birthday, I received some answers to questions that have been bugging me for quite some time. grace. blessings.

It's your birthday and through the years, you have always been very generous to me. thank you so much. Thank you for everything. For the blessings - the wonderful surprises that came my way.  And
I am now asking you to intercede for me. I have this one wish - this one thing my heart so desires. I know I am ready for it. We are ready for it.

Please help me. Us.

Happy birthday Mama Mary!
Love you!

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