Tuesday, June 19, 2012

today was a looooooong tuesday

was in school at 615 in the morning to try to fix some problems. there are still a lot to fix and i am so tired i wanna go away and hide.

and then there's this nagging thing that makes me question a lot of stuff in my life.


I realized there is so much more to live for than the disappointments and hurts of the past. So what if it sucked. So what if it sucked royally. So what if it sucked and all I want to do is scream about how it sucked royally til I am blue in the face and everyone and everyone’s neighbor’s grandma knew it.

So what.

Bitterness is a choice. So is gratitude. And I think the latter’s a much lighter load to carry. Who wants the dead weight of unforgiveness around anyway?

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