Friday, January 27, 2012


How do you know if something's right for you?

How do know that you're not being gypped?

Why do i feel that something isn't right?

What comes first: the right guy or the right time?

How do you make sure that your heart will not suffer the same sad things again?

If it’s really the inside that counts, then why do looks matter so much?

Why is it easier and faster to change for the worse than the better?

Why are things easier said than done? Why is it that people say they'll get on it ASAP and yet take years doing so?

How can I be really loving to one person and indifferent to another, when there’s only ONE me? Is it because one brings out the best in me and the other brings the worst?

Can we not be in unconditional happiness if we’ve never been soaked in pain?

How do you stop yourself from worrying too much?

Why do i have this tendency to spoil and yet not be spoiled in return (when i'm a girl and i should be the one getting spoiled, right?) ?

Is honesty really the best policy? Because if it is, then it’s better to tell a friend that she gained weight, that his girl is cheating on him, and that indeed it was your kabarkada who stole the cellphone? Oh, and is it better to tell your best friend that you’re in love with him, only to screw up the years of friendship that you had? If you choose the latter, do you make it tactful to make things better? Even so, the outcome doesn’t change, because the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is well, truth.

Are you not over him/her because you can’t, or you don’t want to?

How powerful are words on you?

How much should I believe in the power of things that are meant to be?

How come we say we get stronger after every hurtful experience, but when something similar happens, we still cry, as if we weren’t sufficiently hurt in the past memory?

How come sometimes silence is the most comfortable noise?

How can I be in a room full of people and still feel alone? On the other hand, how come I can watch Veronica Mars episodes by myself and feel so contented that I’m not sharing my popcorn with anyone?

Why am I wasting my time thinking of all these stupid questions? Am I making you think about answers to these questions? If yes, are you hating me for it? Or worse, are my questions making me seem like I have nothing better to do than think too much?

What do you think?

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