Thursday, December 1, 2011

always and only, for love

"why aren't you married yet? go look for someone who has money so you can live your live more than just comfortably"

i have heard that a lot of times already.

I’m watching The Game of Thrones series where women are traded like cheap goods. One day you are betrothed to a man who dies unexpectedly, the next you are simply given to his brother. You have no choice. Marriages were political decisions. Today we are largely free, so to hear someone say they would marry for money seems like such a travesty of our freedom. Would you really give that much of yourself for material security? What is security anyway and how secure are you in somebody else’s wealth?

There are so many layers to this statement. I don’t think many men would marry women who would tell them they’re mostly in it for the money, so already there’s a layer of deception. Next, any woman who decides to marry for security is, of her own volition, guaranteeing a life of emptiness and disappointment. Money alone will not make a life. How can any woman sign her life away or, for that matter, take someone else’s life for granted? Unless your spouse-to-be knows your true agenda, aren’t you robbing him of the possibility of a marriage borne out of love? Doesn’t everyone deserve that?

I realize I don’t fully understand what marriage is; I feel that most of us don’t. But what I do know is that marrying for anything but love goes against our humanity. I don’t think we’re there yet and most of us continue to marry foolishly. Still, I would rather marry foolishly but with love. Money may bring all kinds of comfort, but love is not among them.

and me? I could have married for convenience a few years back, but it was just not right. it would be unfair to him. or me. even to our families.

I used to feel lost but I've come to a point where I saw someone who I can share my future with. I know who I love. I know who I want to share my life with. I know who I want to marry. I can only wish/hope and pray I'll get there.

So....marry if you must, but always and only, for love.

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