Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas 2011

December, for me, means longer and colder nights and mugs of Swiss Miss or native chocolate with marshmallows on top. It means Christmas lights everywhere and a tree that my gay friends and I get to decorate. It means waking up really early for nine days and going to mass feeling cold, and yes, sometimes sleepy too. It means a sudden increase of people in malls. It means good food around every corner. It’s the month when family members and friends go home and we spend time catching up, laughing, just hanging out having a good time.

For most of us, it’s the month when we can shake off the worst of things and look forward with renewed confidence. It’s the tiny light at the end of a long year, a season to hope again.

And for all those things and more, I welcome December with open arms.

A lot of my friends tell me that I am the hardest person to buy gifts for. Although, quite honestly, when it comes to gifts, I’m easy — too easily pleased by almost anything. (just no mugs, please. hahahah)

But, to make things less complicated for anyone who plans on getting me something, here it is:


1. Words

I have been maintaining this blog since 2008. It should be obvious, at this point, that words matter to me. Words make a difference, words are beautiful. As much as I love spewing my verbal diarrhea here, I also love receiving words from people. I love letters and e-mails. I love handwritten letters. I think it's sweet, at this time and age, if people take time out of their busy, modern world, just to write something for someone.

Unfortunately, snail mail in my country is not so good (to say the least) — I usually receive things months later or never at all. So if you’d like to make my Christmas extra special, you can e-mail me at

2. Time

I want more time with the people I love. Not just time, but QUALITY time.

3. Direction

I still feel lost. I think I know what I want to do next year but it still scares me and I keep doubting whether it will be the right thing for me. Can someone point me to where I should be?

4. Love

I want this love to last. I've never wanted anything so much.

5. Progress.

you know what I mean.

So, there. That sums up my Christmas wish list for 2011. How about you? What are you hoping to receive this Christmas?

1 comment:

guitarfreak_16 said...

ooohhhh!!! who's that LOVE you have? hahaha!