Sunday, December 21, 2008

6th day

It's the 6th day of simbang gabi and the stress is taking a toll on me. I've been getting home at 12midnght or onwards lately due to all the christmas events and I get about 2hrs max sleep before the mass. Good thing I got some sleep after the mass this morning.

Anyway, the sermon this morning was about letting God work himself in and through us. The importance of discipline and of delayed self-gratification.

Why is it so hard to listen to God? To know what he wants for us? Easy. It's because people are spoiled. When someone is spoiled, it makes it harder for the person to listen to someone else. A spoiled person enjoys immediate gratification. S/he does not know how to wait for something (even someone) s/he wants. A spoiled heart can no longer listen to God. That's why it is important for everyone to practice discipline. Delay the gratification a little bit. For when you wait for something (or someone), that something (or someone) becomes more meaningful. It's easy to take something (someone) for granted when you got it just as easy.

Are you ready to listen to God?

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