Sunday, December 21, 2008

he reeks of Tlazlimquiztli

Toujours Tingo, a book by Adam Jacot de Boinod, lists weird words and bizarre phrases from around the world.

some of my favorites:

Mouton enragé : French for someone calm who loses their temper - literally, "an enraged sheep".

Ikibari: Japanese, a "lively needle" and describing a man who is willing but under-endowed.

Tantenverführer: German for a young man with suspiciously good manners.

Stroitel: Russian for a man who likes to have sex with two women at the same time.

Trennungsagentur: German for someone hired by a woman to tell her boyfriend he has been dumped.

Momma ko ene: Cheyenne for having red eyes from crying over your boyfriend marrying someone else.

Tlazlimquiztli: Aztec for the smell of adulterers.

Nosom Para Oblake: Serbian for "he is ripping clouds with his nose", describing someone conceited.

Chantepleurer: French for singing at the same time as crying.

Hira hira: Japanese for the fear you get from walking into a decrepit old house in the middle of the night.

Les avoir a zero: French for "to have one's testicles down to zero", or be frightened.

and our contributions:

Lalew: Filipino word meaning to grieve so much you can't eat.

Layogenic: Filipino for someone good-looking from afar but ugly up close.

click the link to read more! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ay0s ang title ma'am ah!! :]